This is WELLBRIDGE's button design on 2008. Pink elepahant is psychedelic image, and yellow background is punk color. Drawing by freehand pen tool of Adobe Illustrator. This design still not print and press buttons.
This also designed 2008 WELLBRIDGE button. Title is "XTC" means ecstasy. Drawing by freehand pen tool of Adobe Illustrator. This design still not print and press buttons. Background dots are imaged by ecstasy tablet.

Dr.TOSH? "Vaga! Raga!" Cover Artwork

This is 2nd solo album of bassist Dr.TOSH? a.k.a. Toshimitsu Nagai ex."Rosa Luxenburg" and "BO GUMBOS". Poptoonstudio designed CD cover artwork(front top cover, Back cover, forward cover, inside art and illustrrations, CD label design and everything design.
It met Dr.TOSH? to me in the openair gathering festival "Nijino Misaki Matsuri" held in Aso in Japan in around 2000. At that time, Dr.TOSH? acted as a bassist of the band "Aqua bomb". The guitar of "Aqua bomb" at that time is Marron a.k.a. Yasuhiko Tanaka who is acting by the name "dub marronics" now. Dub marronics plays original DeLay work and the one person plays psychedelic music of guitar electronica by sampling the reverberation.
Donto is guitar vocal of BO GUMBOS he performed to "Niji no
Misaki Matsuri" at that time by solo. In some open-air music festivals, it met TOSH. And, when Dr.TOSH? and restarting in the open-air music festival "Jugoya Otsukisan" done in Yamaguchi where I had handled the poster and the flyer, he terribly liked the poster.
This album artwork received the request directly from Dr.TOSH?. His hope was for "VAGA! RAGA!" to dash out from the Magic lamp like The Thousand and One Nights and to have wanted it based on Arab and red brown like India. The font script was hope that also Arabic streamline. I added the ribbon based on a counterplan and free font in 1950's American. In addition, a top jacket was completed repeating several-time corrections. The image of the lamp was obtained from the Internet, and the illustration of Magic Lamp was traced on the Adobe Illustrator.

The other side of the surface after it becomes like the booklet ,in a word, the back becomes it like this. When the booklet is expanded, the illustration is connected. The original label mark "Flying Fuji" of the mark and Dr.TOSH? of credit, description of the CD handling notes, trademark of poptoonstudio, and record label "Wild 7" has been described on the reverse. The illustration was traced on the Adobe Illustrator based on the photograph in Arabia.

It is a preview of the artist name and the album name of the jacket and the CD side where the name of a song in the back of CD was described. The screen tone of Adobe Photoshop was used for his old photograph because of wanting TOSH.
You can try to listen sample mp3 on Dr.TOSH? Myspace
Please visit his myspace.
Also I draw many illustration on the booklet inside. You can see more design if you buy CD.
It is a Japanese promo word as follows. "フェスタマンDr.TOSH?の真骨頂!
常にページを捲り続けるフェスタマンDr.TOSH?の次なるキーワード『Vaga!Raga!』あらゆるジャンルを軽々と飛び超え、無国籍に!センセーショナルに!グルービーに!コーティング!これぞ、フェスタマンDr.TOSH?の真骨頂!!伝説のバンド、ROSA LUXEMBURG、BO GUMBOS そしてAQUA BOMB を経てたどり着いたアカデミック・サイケなダンス天国が、今、意識不明の魂たちを確実にスクラッチする!"
BO GUMBOS CD Album and Singles on sale at Amazon!
I recommend for you if you like Cajun, Blues and Asian Music.