We visited open air festival of the PASAR MOON Guest House in Misumi Beach, Hamada City, Shimane, Japan. This festival was organized by my friend Marron. It was so good music live performance, visual decorating works, location and situation. We stayed 3 days but festival had 1 week. We carried tarp, tent, table, chair, bike and driftwood on the small car and 3.5 hour drive from Kitakyushu. It was became down the temp 22 degrees into Chugoku mountain path the Yamaguchi City because midnight. We arrived at Misumi area before sunrise. We got good sea view camping area outside of the festival entrance. I'm so tired because tent and tarp building does not sleep. Already few stuff living here with building party. Few wild people were get up and walk around the sea. We could not sleep because strong sunshine also temp going up. I got into the sea early morning. The water is very clear but little bit big wave. There have 200 yen per 2 min hot water shower.