He is our new friend we found it at the general dealer discount sale. His name is "Euvo". He come from space. See Euvodesign website http://www.euvodesign.com/!! I washed and did wax of my car and a wife's car. We went oil supply of gasoline, and shopping for the New Year. This photograph was taken by PENTAX Optio I-10. Then, it was edited by Picasa 3. I like use Picasa effect which leaves a color. Location is route 322 from Kokura between Hiraodai.
Dec 29, 2011
768×1024 pixels – 87KB
Filename: IMGP2075.JPG
Camera: PENTAX
Model: PENTAX Optio I-10
ISO: 160
Exposure: 1/50 sec
Aperture: 3.5
Focal Length: 5.1mm
Flash Used: No
Latitude: n/a
Longitude: n/a