We went to the cruise in Oita Prefecture. Then I took some photographs for post. This is a photograph where the moss grows in stone bridge. The place is side bridge of Jion watefall, Amagase-cho, Oita, Japan. I pushed the shutter feeling that an orange moss was unusual. An unexpected fact came to light when this orange moss was examined. The scientific name is Trentepohlia aurea. This is not the mosses but algae. They might live because the spray of the waterfall always falls in the bridge. A lot of mosses and algae have grown because Kyushu is rainy much and is abundant water. I pasted this photo to the top because orange was beautiful. And, I like moss and alga. A new civilization building is rotted by them...
Today's Foto "Trip, Journey and Cruise"
We went to the cruise in Oita Prefecture. Then I took some photographs for post. This is a photograph where the moss grows in stone bridge. The place is side bridge of Jion watefall, Amagase-cho, Oita, Japan. I pushed the shutter feeling that an orange moss was unusual. An unexpected fact came to light when this orange moss was examined. The scientific name is Trentepohlia aurea. This is not the mosses but algae. They might live because the spray of the waterfall always falls in the bridge. A lot of mosses and algae have grown because Kyushu is rainy much and is abundant water. I pasted this photo to the top because orange was beautiful. And, I like moss and alga. A new civilization building is rotted by them...