This is the signboard of ASTROLOUNGE made with the board of driftwood. This time, we opened a shop to the festival of an institution called PASAR MOON of Shimane Prefecture. I applied the paint to the board which became round with a white angle which flowed and reached. Since goods were the wife's handmade garments and miscellaneous goods, this signboard design was set to simple and natural SHABBY. The color of a lusterless background is very important. When there was much driftwood more, the signboard which becomes independent was able to be made. But, since it was lacking, it was hung by hemp cord on the tarp pole. It is written to the board of the bottom connected in Hemp cord as ASTROLOUNGE in katakana.
ASTRO:LOUNGE's Wooden Sign at Pasar Moon Festival
This is the signboard of ASTROLOUNGE made with the board of driftwood. This time, we opened a shop to the festival of an institution called PASAR MOON of Shimane Prefecture. I applied the paint to the board which became round with a white angle which flowed and reached. Since goods were the wife's handmade garments and miscellaneous goods, this signboard design was set to simple and natural SHABBY. The color of a lusterless background is very important. When there was much driftwood more, the signboard which becomes independent was able to be made. But, since it was lacking, it was hung by hemp cord on the tarp pole. It is written to the board of the bottom connected in Hemp cord as ASTROLOUNGE in katakana.