I draw funny monster by
Art Studio Lite for iPhone. This monster imaged from our lovely Scottish fold. The name is Master OMARI. He is Kung-Fu master of T'ai chi ch'uan also known as or "Taichi", and "Taijiquan". Taichi is the China tradition martial art born from Shaolin Temple. These days, the old person is performing form of taichi as gymnastics in the morning park. Because, it is believed that taichi is effective against health and a long life. Taichi is returned to an enemy as it is using the offensive strength from an enemy. It is Ying-Yang essence. Master OMARI lived in China Henan Province Shaolin Temple. He learned Zen, Shaolin Kung-fu, and Taichi from Dharma. Master OMARI is valid in 3000 or more. He mastered any martial art from lots of masters. He can jump 10 min in the sky. He was kept by
Shih-huang-ti a long time ago. Master OMARI belonged to the thought group of
Mozi, before being kept by Shih-huang-ti.

A long time ago, a cat called OMARI was in Henan in China.
He was the largest in stature of the four brothers.
The town in which OMARI lived was about 500 persons' colony.
One day, the town involved in war was annihilated by the military man.
All the members in whom a man contains a child and an old person were killed cruelly.
Even for the small child, the woman was raped.
The military man stopped at the town.
When it carried out soon and food was lost, they killed and ate livestock.
An OMARI family was not an exception, either.
The OMARI family was all arrested by them, was killed and was eaten by them.
OMARI escaped in woods.
OAMRI exceeded a lot of steep mountains.
Three military men went food into woods at search.
OMARI hid the body into the cave.
Three military men hunted using the dog.
Their dog approached the cave.
Suddenly, the head of dogs flew in the air.
The priest who wore the one yellow shoulder-worn ornamental robe had a sword.
The priest chopped up the military man quickly.
OMARI was helped by the priest.
The priest was blindness.

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