Too cold day today...
I living in Kitakyushu City Fukuoka Japan. Kitakyushu City having about 1,000,000 peoples. Location is south side in Japan. Almost 2 or 3 times snowing in every year. It is not over less than 0 degrees if most cold day. We went to buy kerosene for stove, sand paper, acrylic paints, surfacer and other tools for modeling. I woke up interested the plastic modeling of the classic car again. Please see my photo of the completely models if I upload.
The snow became water drop pasted my car window.
The snow and wind were suddenly covered everything by few minutes only.
We grad if snowing because very few.
The electric and bridge working for our life. Japan having big electric problem because nuclear generator was stopped already. We must pay more expensive charge of the electric maybe.
This cute illustration is Don Quijote the famous Japanese shopping store from Osaka.
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